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The Hairy Coo

The Hairy Coo is a tour company based in Edinburgh. They offer fun and fascinating tours of Scotland from Edinburgh. All tours are guided by one of our experienced and entertaining Scottish tour guides. Visitors can choose from day trips, multi-day tours and private tours of Scotland. On every tour, you will see stunning scenery and visit interesting sites. Your guide will tell you stories of Scotland's fascinating history and keep you entertained throughout the day. We can also work with companies and organisations to create a specific tour for your team or company.

| tours of scotland | coach tours | scottish tours | day trips in scotland | scottish highland tours

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Babu Raja
Travel XS Inspired by India was founded in 1999 and serves travelers from around the globe. With offices across South India, we specialize in tours of South India and are focused on providing exciting and engaging holidays for our guests. We pride ourselves on sending our guests home feeling spirited, refreshed, and completely enchanted by India.
We are a family run business that services both residential and commercial properties throughout Ayrshire and Glasgow. The Scottish word Coorie traditionally means to cuddle or snuggle in, however in recent years it has taken on new meanings. For many now the word evokes feelings of coziness, happiness, family and trust. We wanted our company name to instill these values and to highlight the trust and professionalism which we strive to demonstrate in our work. When coupled with our surname Hill, Coorie Hill was born! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions that you might have, or to discuss a quote. Contact us for friendly advice on your options. We look forward to talking to you soon!

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